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Office Hours:
By appointment only

Smiling Family

Family in Fall

Family Visit

Smiling Family
for adults and children
Parenting can be challenging. If your family is struggling with daily challenges, you may benefit from a professional who can work with you to create healthier habits.
Parents can learn about the developmental stages of their children and matched strategies to address specific behaviors. Developmental patterns do not stop once a child can talk learning how the brain is developing is key to implementing strategies that are effective.
Children will learn new ways to express themselves and strategies to be more adaptive to their environments. This type of cognitive flexibility can be beneficial whether at home or school with both adults and peers.
Our Services:
Individual Therapy
Parental Coaching
Family Therapy
Initial Consultations
Play Therapy

Call to see if my help is right for you (734) 531 -8642
For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 911
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