Lisa Farmer
I have been working with children, adolescents, and their families for the past fourteen years. I specialized my studies in parent child interactions and the systems that can help a child acheive success. I have worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings. My goal is to work collaboratively with families, parents, and children to develop tools that will allow them to live a healthy balanced life.
Latest Clinic News:
New Summer Groups
May 2015
Register now for children, youth, teen, and parenting groups during the summer. Learn new skills to make next school year a success!
Parent groups registration open.
April 2015
I am now enrolling for this session of parent support groups. Parents meet to discuss the challenges of their child's age group and get insight into establishing normative expectations. Call the office for days and times or to reserve your spot!
Thank you Lakewood Elementary.
Dec 2014
Special thanks to the staff and students of Lakewood Elementary. I felt very welcome at your school and excited to share what I know about emotions. I wish you all the best as you continue to study and grow!
New office, new hours.
Sept 2014
I am pleased to announce a new space! the office is next to the Relaxation Station at 111 North First street. Thank you to all of you for your patience as I moved offices.