Children's Groups (Ages 5-9)
Anger Management
Everyone loses their cool now and again, but if your child's anger is leading to classroom problems, loss of friends, or family discord maybe it's time to learn some new skills. This group will talk about the big feeling of anger and what to do when things don't go right. Children in this group learn how to recognize and plan for situations that make them angry, build reponsibility for their choices, and calming strategies targetted for everyday environments.
Emotion Know How
Children are regularly taught academic, motor, and even social skills through school, sports, and other activities. Most are not explicitly taught about how their emotions may impact their thoughts and actions. This group allows children to expand their emotional vocabulary and begin to think about what drives their behavior and perspective. Children in this group learn to recognize and communicate their emotional states, create plans for success, and challenge their own maladaptive behaviors.
Social Skills
Making friends can be difficult. This group gives kids a place to talk about the challenges they face with peers. We will explore ways to make new friends, join groups, and the realities of dealing with people we may not like. Children in this group learn how to set appropriate boundaries, communication skills, and begin to experiment with perspective shifts that help to build empathy and collaboration.